Wednesday, April 13, 2011

alright alright alright, lets talk fab 4

ok, first time blogging with a purpose. lol.

i was lucky enough to be able to attend the Fab 4's performance @ the city national grove of Anaheim (long ass name) this last Saturday the 9th, but unfortunately I cannot provide rave reviews of either the show or the venue.  But before you run off to burn the place down, let me explain.  It was a dinner show, and I did not eat dinner.  Dinner being from 6-8pm, we showed up a quarter to 8.  It was the dinner seating that really really, well how can I put this nicely, oh wait I can't, the seating sucked!!! 3 sections of dinner tables, with two rows of tables in each section, it sounds good in theory, but in practice, the grove seriously needs to reconsider this arrangement.  if I buy a ticket for a show, I'd actually like to be able to SEE the show.  In this seating, people are literally sitting in front of you, and if you have access to a sliver of the stage, all the people in front of you needs to do is sway their heads to the music, and the stage is completely gone from view!  AWFUL!  I found myself just watching the screens instead and with a stiff neck from actually trying to see the live show.

The actual show did not begin until about 8:20(?), did not confirm time when the lights dimmed, I was just excited about the start of the show! The beginning of the show covered Ed Sullivan, A Hard Day's Night and early beatlemania.  All awesome.  I really do enjoy watching Beatle cover bands who are musically inclined because they can capture all the raw emotion and musicality of the early Beatle years.  And the Fab 4 did this, and they did this good.  I've had a crush on the Fab 4 since I seen them about a year ago at the Laugh Factory.  I was impressed, they looked good & sounded better.  I was rocking out to the best of my ability, chair-dancing, if you will.  If the show had gone on like the start of the show, through the entire Beatles catalog & chronology, savoring each album and note of music, I would of had a Beatlegasm!

However, after the mop top era, completely skipping over Rubber Soul (my fav), a few selections from the Beatles later works, then on to John Lennon's Imagine & then to Sgt. Peppers.  And just when I wanted more, they went to intermission.  Ok, I thought, they'll come back, do some more Peppers, dig a pony and maybe even let it be.  And that would be the show!  Seating aside, I still wanted to love the Fab 4!

During the intermission, we found some very comfortable seating in the Lounge connected to the lobby.  It was dim and there were tables and couches and very few people.  Another interesting observation is that there were screens projecting the entire show in there!  The purist in me would never hear of watching a show from a Lounge, when the live performance was a few yards away, but the fact that the seating was more comfortable (big comfy couch) AND I could see the show better and unobstructed, I was easily convinced that these seats would be the best for the second half of the show. 

But what the rest of the show was going to be was not at all what I expected.  One word, 5 letters, WINGS.  I love wings!  chicken wings,  faux chikin wings, Paul Mccartney & Wings; but this is a Fab 4 show and now we have Wings???  I just don't understand it really.  How can the Fab 4 tout themselves as a Beatles cover band, but there entire second act be, NOT the Beatles.  Sure Maca is hot, talented and one fourth of the Beatles, but he is NOT the Beatles.  Not really sure where the Fab 4 gets off on doing Wings extensively, maybe they just wanted to promote their Wings cover band, but can't you cover the Beatles and then build up to that?! Don 't hijack the show because you've got an obsession for Paul, that's my job!!! haha but in all seriousness, I couldn't stay for the whole show because of an previous engagement.  But an inside source, who did watch the show in its entirety, informed me that they never did return to any more Beatles.  and that make me sad inside.  Fab 4, do the Fab Four! Wingsband, do Wings! 

And me? well I'm going to go to as many Beatle outings as I can, and then I'll report back to you on it!  I <3 the Beatles, their music and their message and look forward to telling you what shows, happenings and events you should spend that hard earned money on.  All I ask is that these events just, please please me, like the Beatles do. ;)

peace & <3, beatlettesteph